BioLatam Digital 2024

8–12 abr 2024

Santiago March

Health Technologies Coordinator

Fundación Mexicana para la Salud (FUNSALUD)

Ciudad de México, México

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Actually working at Mexican Health Foundation (FUNSALUD) as New Tech Coordinator. Developing projects using new technologies for healthcare of Mexican population. With more than 20 years working in life sciences, specially genomics Dr. March was part of the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (2002-2010) as a Medical, Education and Outreach, and Research Director. The experience in these areas allowed him to develop a strategic vision for the opportunities in precision medicine in Mexico. He actively participated as the scientific and technological coordinator in the main genetic population project in Mexico in which the first genetic data base of the Mexican population was created (Mexican Genetic Diversity Map). Doctor March is a MD graduated from the School of Medicine from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He was trained in Pathological Anatomy at the Hospital General de México and in addition received a Diploma in Planning and Business Development from the ITAM. He has published more than 30 scientific articles in peer reviewed publications and 2 books in life sciences, health and biotechnology and has more than 230 lectures in genetics and precision medicine in national and international meetings in the past 20 years.

Mi organización

Fundación Mexicana para la Salud (FUNSALUD)

The mexican health foundation (FUNSALUD) is a style autonomous non profit association created in 1985 with the mission to contribute to the improvement of health care in México. It was founded in 1985 by leading entrepreneurs from different economic areas, all interested in public health. It is registered as scientific and technological institution by The National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT- RENIECYT) and in the Federal Register of Civil Society Organizations of INDESOL (CLUNI), as well is registered as US Office of Research Integrity and World Health Organization. In addition we are Board Members of the General Health Council of Mexico. It has been recognized by authorities and institutions due its contributions in the definition of public policies in health. Having a healthy distance and a very respectful relationship with sanitary authorities, we support Mexican Health Institutions in the attention of the biggest problems in the public health agenda, neither invading their functions nor duplicating efforts. Contribute to the scientific and technological strengthening of the health system by promoting research, the training of high-level human resources and technological development. In addition, generate projects aimed to solve the identified health problems. For eleventh consecutive year, in the 2020 Global Go to Think Tank Index Report at the University of Pennsylvania, FUNSALUD ranks #1 Think Tank in Latin America and 1st place in the Best National Health Policy Think Tanks.FUNSALUD has managed +500 funds in 39 years of existence and some of its main contributions are: Contribution to the formulation of the Social Health Protection System for the creation of Seguro Popular; Formulation of the public policy proposal for the Universality of Health Services in Mexico; Creation of a Consortium for Genomic Medicine Institute, which culminated in the creation of the National Institute of Genomic Medicine; “Juntos por la Salud” and COVID-19 Combat Strategy: The signing of the agreement between public and private hospitals to attend patients; FUNSALUD prepares the strategic health plan to present it to the different candidates for the presidency of the republic, every six years. FUNSALUD and Health Technology promotion.

In recent years FUNSALUD’s New Technologies Council has developed multiple and diverse Health Technology projects, some of them are: Digital Health policy – Actually in analysis for approval by Mexican legislators, Mobile Health and Movil Health 2.0 – Community and marginalized population studies with the objective to use digital cellular phones to improve and treat patients with diabetes (developed together with IBD), Digital Physician and Digital Patient national surveys, Health Tech annual meeting, Scientific and technological development of the National Cancer Registry and the National Registry of Rare Diseases, Molecular diagnosis for cancer $ rare diseases, Microbiomics National Group and a National platform for precision medicine development.

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  • medicina de precisión


  • medicina de precisión
  • epidemias

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Sesiones de ponente (1)

lunes, 8 de abril de 2024

15:10 - 15:55

Deep tech en América Latina e Iberia

Mesa redonda
  • Innovation

Un debate sobre la creación y desarrollo de la deep tech en América Latina e Iberia